Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Month

In less than one month I will be on my way to Korea, South Korea as my mum would like me to point out. It has been an extremely tiring and intense process, but it will be well worth it in the end. I haven't booked my flight, I haven't gotten my visa, and I haven't even begun to pack for the year ahead. I'm beginning to think that, as with most things, I will get my things together and finished when I am under the most pressure. Just thought I'd do a start up blog post before I leave so friends, family, and whoever else is interested can locate and subscribe to my blog easily.

If you see a bar on the left to enter your email address, that's to receive my blog updates in your mailbox instead of having to constantly check up on my blog. I don't know for sure if they'll include any photos I post but I will find out after my next post...hopefully. I do think I made a very pretty blog page so I won't blame you if you check up on it. I don't know if I'll be doing daily or weekly posts, but once I get there I'll have a better idea of my schedule and can make a decision...or not.

So this last part is for those of you who would like an update on the situation. I just graduated from college, and I am getting ready to go live in (South) Korea to teach for one year. I'm going with a program called TaLK which is run by their government and I will be teaching in a public elementary school in Jeonbuk. I'll see if I can post a map here :

map link

So if the map makes it you should see that I'm about an hour, maybe less, outside of Seoul. Since I don't have my flight booked I don't know when I'll be leaving/arriving but orientation begins on the 5th so I need to be in Seoul by then. I'll spend a month in Seoul for training and to get accustomed to the culture, or at least as accustomed as one can get in a month. After my month in Seoul I'll be sent to Jeonbuk where I'll receive housing and I'll start work in the elementary school!

Since things are still being done so I'll know more as the time to leave approaches. I'll probably only do a few more posts before I leave to give updates and such. Until then, I hope the world is good to you :D



  1. Hey, this is Alisa from the Writing Center! Don't worry, I'm going to Spain in 6 weeks and have yet to book a flight or get my visa or anything of that nature either, so you're not alone!

  2. Phew! It's mildly terrifying not to have that stuff, but my flight was requested to be booked today so hopefully that happens soon!
